Every child deserves the opportunity to live their best possible life.
The Higher Certificate is designed to provide access to higher education for many experienced and skilled ECD practitioners and trainers who do not have recognised qualifications. The purpose of this qualification is to:
This qualification provides an opportunity for:
This qualification is applicable to people within the clothing sector. Learners will be able to produce garments using a domestic lockstitch sewing machine. The purpose of the qualification is to build the competence of learners in the clothing sector at NQF Level 1 to address the following:
This is an entry-level qualification for those who want to enter the field of Education, Training and Development, specifically within the sub-field of Early Childhood Development (ECD).
Many of those who will seek this Qualification are already practising within the field, but without formal recognition. This Qualification will enable recipients of this qualification to facilitate the all-round development of young children in a manner that is sensitive to culture and individual needs (including special needs), and enable them to provide quality early childhood development services for children in a variety of contexts, including community-based services, ECD centres, at home and in institutions. In particular, recipients of this qualification will be able to:
Address: Egoli East, 10 South Boulevard Road, Johannesburg, 2198
Phone: +27 87 822 1545
Mobile: +27 76 297 4874 / +27 83 978 0631
Email: motenes@ebotse.org.za